Updated Articles

  1.  Synaptic Pathways - Risk Illustration Report

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. How to view a Portfolio Factsheet and Create a Report ...
  2. PruFund Growth & Cautious on M&G Wealth

    The versions of PruFund Growth & PruFund Cautious linked to the M&G Wealth platform are the Series F Account. You can search for them in Pathways as shown below using the ‘Search by’ Portfolio and entering text: Prudential PruFund Growth Account ...
  3. Why does the RIY increase with a greater % in cash?

    With the end projection calculations, the cash account growth rate is based on the same rate as the rest of the portfolio so a consistent rate is being applied across all platforms and providers being compared.   However, the RIY calculation on an...
  4. A2Risk Guide

    A2Risk Adviser Guide
  5.  Synaptic Pathways - Risk Illustration Advanced Options

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. How to edit a Synaptic Pathways Risk Illustration using the Advanced Options tab. ...
  6. Why is RIY different when I enter investment amount and AUM separately, compared to adding both amounts as the investment?

    The Reduction in yield shows what effect the total charges applicable to a wrapper will have on the projected growth rate and is calculated as Reduction in yield = projected growth rate – AER (annual effective rate). For example, if we expect an i...
  7.  Synaptic Pathways - Investment Pathways

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. How to view Discretionary Fund Managers, Insurance Distribution Directives, Multi-Assets, Model and Bespoke Portfolios within the Investment Pathways area ...
  8.  Comparison with Ex-ante - Review, Client Check-In and Report

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  9. Investment Pathways - Discretionary Fund Managers, Multi-Asset & Insurance Distribution Directives

    Discretionary Funds Managers, Multi-Assets and Insurance Distributions Directives can be used as part of an Illustration. You are able to view the portfolio breakdown by clicking the eye to the left of the portfolio: If you would like ...
  10. Investment Pathways - Risk Ratings

    In our 6.7 release we have released granular risk ratings. You will be able to view Discretionary Fund Managers, Multi-Asset and Insurance Distribution Directive risk ratings by an additional decimal point: ...