Creating a special deal for Fidelity

In Synaptic Pathways, you are able to create special deals for Providers. Provider charging structures can vary and may need to be setup differently to ensure the deal pulls through correctly.

For the Fidelity Platform, you will need to apply your special deal pricing terms under the Platform AMC 2 area. Charges under the individual wrappers will also need to be removed to ensure the figures are not duplicated in the calculations.

Navigate to your deal within Configuration> Special Deals and Discounts> Special Deals or create new - Creating Special Deals.

Note: Pathways has two representations of the Fidelity platform which includes a ‘No Investor Fee’ version. This should be selected for illustrations where the Investor Fee is waived. 

Select the special deal:

Edit the details under the Platform AMC 2 tier, as seen below:

Note: Screenshots in our articles are for demonstration purposes only.

Enter details of the deal. 

Edit using the pen icon next to each field. 


Additional rows can be added if needed:

Once complete, the individual wrapper AMC’s need to be changed to zero to ensure the charge is not applied twice.

Change GIA/ISA/SIPP/PP/ID AMC to zero as shown in the screenshots below.

Note: Fund Types ETF and External3 are specific to Fidelity standard charging structure.  You do not need to alter the fund type when applying a zero to the tiers against the individual wrapper AMC.   


Select the pen icon next to the rate:

Enter a '0


Check the deal is set to Active at the top of the screen: