Portfolio Builder - Portfolio Factsheet

This article is a continuation of Portfolio Builder - Compliance Tab

The Portfolio Factsheet will show the following portfolio data:

  • MiFID II Costs & Charges
  • Portfolio Statistics
  • Portfolio Cumulative Performance
  • Fund Quartile Ranking
  • Moody's Asset Allocation
  • FE fundinfo Asset Allocation
  • Stock Sectors
  • Geographical
  • Top Ten Holdings
  • Efficient Frontier
  • Portfolio Sectors

Please note - If the portfolio contains cash, this percentage will not be reflected in the statistics and performance metrics

Weighted Statistics can be included at the top of the fact sheet:

Select Weighted Sector Average and Update Factsheet:

The Benchmark Against Portfolio button will allow you to select a Portfolio:

Update Factsheet:

Portfolio Factsheet

This factsheet can be downloaded at the top right of the screen: