You can view your user details and change your password by going to the home page and clicking on your name in the menu bar. You can then change your password by using the Change your password link in the menu bar of the account-details page. You will be prompted to update or re-validate your details periodically.
Your account details consist of the following sections:
- Your name, software username and e-mail address.
- Authorisation information, such as your method of regulation (e.g. direct or network), FRN, professional qualifications and job title.
- Your contact details (address, phone number etc).
- Your user name and password for your quote engine (e.g. Webline).
- A form for entering a new password. (If you only want to change your password, not the rest of your details, it’s simpler to use the “Change your password” link on the menu bar).
NOTE: Some details are compulsory to answer, as they will allow Synaptic to provide you with the most effective on going support. These items are marked with red text.
N.B. Quotes are only made available once you have entered your quote-engine user details on this screen. All links to quote functionality are hidden until you have done this.
Your system administrator has the ability to lock your details and prevent you changing them (e.g. in order to make sure that the qualifications etc. used in reports are in the correct, compliant format). The bar at the top of the page will tell you if your details are locked.