Off-Platform Pension Switch with Assets Under Management
Assets Under Management are not taken into account when an off-platform pension switch is performed in Pathways therefore the RIY may not be what the adviser is expecting. For off platform scenarios the RIY will be calculated based on the current i...
Why does the Ongoing Charge data differ to other sources?
Ongoing charge data can differ to other sources due to a number of reasons. For example, a fund selected in Synaptic Pathways may have a different OCF charge as those displayed on FE Analytics. Our fund data and values are supplied by FE fundinfo...
Pathways Illustration charge vs Provider published charge
Costs and charges that have been returned in Pathways using our calculations engine cannot be derived by adding the sum of provider brochure published charges. The calculations engine is more complex and utilises many different factors to provide an...
Why is there a negative transaction cost?
Transaction costs are taken from the Mifid ii feed. In some cases, due to reporting requirements which allow for delay impact, this can result in a negative transaction cost. The delay impact is caused by the difference between the price immediate...
Why does the RIY increase with a greater % in cash?
With the end projection calculations, the cash account growth rate is based on the same rate as the rest of the portfolio so a consistent rate is being applied across all platforms and providers being compared. However, the RIY calculation on an...
Why is RIY different when I enter investment amount and AUM separately, compared to adding both amounts as the investment?
The Reduction in yield shows what effect the total charges applicable to a wrapper will have on the projected growth rate and is calculated as Reduction in yield = projected growth rate – AER (annual effective rate). For example, if we expect an i...
'Something has gone wrong' error in Research
You can receive a 'Something has gone wrong' error for a number of reasons. This can be related to the data inputted. In one example, an error was returned when trying to calculate results in Research. The error occurred due to the initial value o...
PruFund Growth & Cautious on M&G Wealth
The versions of PruFund Growth & PruFund Cautious linked to the M&G Wealth platform are the Series F Account. You can search for them in Pathways as shown below using the ‘Search by’ Portfolio and entering text: Prudential PruFund Growth Account ...
Why is research not appearing in the navigation bar?
Pathways has been designed to open a tab in the navigation bar when the item you are working on does not have a dedicated tab. Risk questionnaires & Illustrations will appear in the navigation bar as they can only be opened through a contact record...
How do I set a Central Investment Proposition to active?
Navigate to Investment Pathways: When creating a Central Investment Proposition for the first time, you will get the choice of making it Active upfront: If you would prefer to work on the CIP before marking it as active, you can navigat...
I have created a Central Investment Proposition, but I cannot see it's reflected in the research?
You will need to make sure the Central Investment Proposition is set to active. Navigate to Investment Pathways: In the Central Investment Proposition area, find the record you have created. If the Active column shows the CIP as Inactive, yo...
How is Stakeholder pension reflected in the research?
Stakeholder can be selected in the Comparison with Ex Ante and Ex Ante results screen. When selecting a retirement wrapper in the investment details, the 'Stakeholder' button will be available to select: The Stakeholder button will be highlight...
Why can't I see a specific platform/provider in the research screen?
If you are expecting to see a specific provider or platform in the research, they may be unavailable for a number of reasons If you have created a Central Investment Proposition. The product is either not in the CIP or is in the CIP, but not alloc...
Research without a Central Investment Proposition - what does it look like?
Research without a Central Investment Proposition will allow you to do Whole of market research. All platforms & off platform products will be available and they will only be unavailable if a fund or portfolio has been selected that is not supporte...
What's the difference between Research with a Central Investment Proposition and without?
Central Investment Propositions are created within the Investment Pathways area. You can configure Platform & Off Platform Products , Portfolios , Fund Lists and Segments under the CIP. Multiple segments can be created, these segments...
What browsers are supported?
Salesforce Lightening experience requires an up-to-date browser to operate correctly. Please note that the only fully supported desktop browser is Chrome, and Safari on iOS for tablet. For more details, see article on the Salesforce site here...
Can I use the software on a mobile/tablet?
Yes - see article Supported Browsers and Devices for Lightning Experience. ...
What Support is available?
Our Support Team will assist you with any queries you may have. For all user and technical queries, contact us on Telephone: 0808 164 5463 Email: Sometimes it's faster and easier to find your answer online. ...
What Training is available on Salesforce?
Salesforce offers Trailhead as a fun interactive way to learn how to use their products. Synaptic Pathways is built on the Salesforce platform and we utilise native functionality offered by Salesforce. Trailhead is free to use and can b...
My Synaptic Pathways screen doesn't look right - How can I resolve this?
If you are having issues with the view of Synaptic Pathways, for e.g. aligned issues, this may be related to your browser. Ensure your browser is on the latest stable version. Synaptic Pathways is best used on Google Chrome. See article What brow...
How do I configure the Research tab to only show my Research?
List Views can be configured within Synaptic Pathways. In this article, we will take you through cloning an existing view & creating multiple views to show the information you require. All list views default to recently viewed records. Creating ...