
Register for Synaptic Webline through our website - Click Login at the top right of the webpage and select Webline.

Select Register now

Complete contact details and read the Terms and Conditions.

Tick to confirm and Register:

 We will send you the following logon details:

  • Webline number
  • User name
  • Password

We suggest you make a note of these details and keep them in a safe place.

The Webline logon page can be accessed from

Please note that your initial registration provides you with an administrative user logon, and can be used to customise the account to your requirements. Administrators are the only users able to create additional user logons for any other staff in your office. This is a multi-user environment and as such, there is no charge for creating & maintaining additional users within your account.

Now that you have opened your Webline account, there is some initial activity needed to help you get the most out the system and ensure you can quickly and easily obtain accurate quotes and apply electronically.