Ex-Ante - Research Filtering


When updating the term, click Update Results

Filter Results by Provider

Ex-Ante only Research is based on selecting a single product.

Filter Results by Product

Ex-Ante only Research is based on selecting a single product.

Sort Results by Value

Ex-Ante only Research is based on selecting a single product.

Change Segment

This button will be disabled on Whole of Market Research:

If using a Central Investment Proposition, the button will be available to select and will allow you to change segment:

Stakeholder Pension

When Stakeholder Pension is selected, it will be displayed at the top of the results screen:

If a Retirement wrapper is not added to the research, Stakeholder Pension button will be disabled.

Exclude Fees

When Exclude Fees is selected, the results screen will recalculate.

3 Significant Figures

When selected, 3 significant will be displayed in the Results.