Updated Articles

  1.  Comparison with Ex-ante - Creating Research

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  2. What is the best way to check if a specific fund is linked to a Contract?

    If you would like to see if a specific fund share class is linked to a contract, the best way is to view this through the Fund factsheet. On the Homepage, use the Quick find box. You can use the fund name or citicode to search: Once the fund fa...
  3. Why is no Quote link being displayed for a product type?

    The Quotes section above describes all the areas in which the system displays links to your quotation engine. There are three reasons why these quote links may not be displayed: You haven’t entered the details of your quote engine into your user a...
  4. Does Synaptic Research “run in offline mode”?

    No. You need an internet connection to use Synaptic Research. (This guarantees that you always have access to all your work, regardless of which computer you did the research on, and that you are seeing the latest product and data. It also ensures t...
  5. How long is stored research held on the system for?

    As described in the User Guide, Synaptic guarantees to store research on the system for at least 30 days. This is a minimum contractual requirement – it doesn’t mean that Synaptic will delete research on the 31st day and, at the moment, Synaptic has...
  6. What are the AIC sector changes for Investment Trusts?

    The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) has conducted a comprehensive sector review resulting in the creation of 14 new sectors and removal of 8 existing sectors.  Investment Trusts previously listed in sectors which have been removed have bee...
  7. Where has the IA Money Market sector gone?

    The Investment Association (IA) have renamed the IA Money Market sector to IA Standard Money Market.  All funds previously listed in IA Money Market can be located within the newly named sector. As sectors are listed alphabetically in Synaptic Produ...
  8. How do I start client focused research?

    Research can either be 'Client focused' or 'Product focused'. This article will explain how to start a piece of 'Client focused' research. Please refer to 'How do I start product focused research?' for more information on product focused research. ...
  9. Have you got any tips on filtering?

    Here are some tips when filtering contracts and where relevant, funds: You can see everything you are currently filtering on and why specific contracts/funds are being excluded by using the Audit Trail If you make a recommendation to a client whi...
  10. How do I filter on Policy Conditions?

    The policy conditions tab shows conditions such as minimum initial ages, minimum investments, various types of charging etc. The list of policy conditions can include two types of fields - numeric fields which can be filtered and textual fields whi...