The full fund research functionality is only available if your firm subscribes to both the product and fund research modules of Synaptic Research. The following table shows which elements of the fund functionality are included in which modules:
Type of fund research | Product module | Fund module | Both |
Unit trusts | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Investment trusts | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Life funds | No | Yes | Yes |
Pension funds | No | Yes | Yes |
Offshore funds | No | Yes | Yes |
Funds from a promoter | No | Yes | Yes |
Linked funds on a contract | No | No | Yes |
Manual fund lists | No | Yes | Yes |
Other fund functionality | |||
Full fund data | No | Yes | Yes |
Full fund graphing | No | Yes | Yes |
Check fund availability | Yes | No | Yes |
Fund factsheets | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Linked contracts in factsheets | Yes | No | Yes |
In other words, if your firm only subscribes to the product module, you can only carryout fund research into unit trusts. You do not have access to life, pension or offshore funds. In addition, the system only includes very limited data about funds for use in filtering and building grids; the list of fields does not include quartile rankings, risk metrics such as alpha etc. Finally, if you only subscribe to the product module then the system only provides access to one out of its many types of graph. (The others are disabled and greyed out.)
If your firm only subscribes to the fund module then you can see all the functionality except those parts which relate to the contracts on which funds are available. You cannot carry out research into the funds available on a specific contract, and fund factsheets do not include a list of the contracts through which they can be bought.
Restricted fund data items
The following fields of fund data are not available (either for inclusion in the grid, or for ranking purposes) if your firm only subscribes to the product module of Synaptic Research:
Features tab
Quartile ranking features (e.g. Top quartile 1 year)
Conditions tab
Launch date
Stats tab
Best 12 months
Worst 12 months
Gain years
Loss years
All quartile ranking fields
All risk metrics other than volatility (e.g. alpha, Sharpe ratio)