Updated Articles

  1. What's in Pathways 6.3 Release?

    Pathways Product Update New features and enhancements  We're pleased to share the highlights of our latest Pathways product release Enhancements to existing features ATRQ report new layout with additional data New Comparison switchin...
  2. What's in Pathways 6.2 Release?

    Pathways Product Update New features and enhancements to research journeys  We're pleased to share the highlights of our latest Pathways product release New features CIExpert integration Enhancements to existing features New produ...
  3. What's in Pathways 6.1 Release?

    Pathways Product Update New features and enhancements to research journeys  We're pleased to share the highlights of our latest Pathways product release New features Cashflow Retirement Edition Related contacts and Family Assets Unde...
  4. What's in Pathways 6.0 release?

    Pathways Product Update New features and enhancements to research journeys  We're pleased to share the highlights of our latest Pathways product release New features Pathways Protection; single life quotes for level term, income p...
  5. What's in Pathways 5.1 release?

    Pathways Product Update Enhancements to research journeys  We're pleased to share the highlights of our latest Pathways product release Enhancements to core features Products created by your organisation are held in the product list Char...
  6. What's in Pathways 5.0 release?

    Pathways Product Update Enhancements to research journeys  We're pleased to share the highlights of our latest Pathways product release Enhancements to core features Portfolio builder improvements Fund validation on holdings Record gene...
  7. What's in Pathways 4.2 Release?

    Pathways Product Update Enhancements to research journeys We're pleased to share an overview of some of the changes in our latest Pathways release  Add historic/off sale holdings to use in research journeys Set default growth rates Expor...
  8. What's in Pathways 4.1 Release?

    Pathways Product Update Ex-post Reviews, Switching Analysis and Valuations We're pleased to share the new licensable features and analysis tools    Ex-post Reviews    Valuations for Holdings    Switching Analysis These features extend ...
  9. CIExpert

    CIExpert is a leading and independent critical illness cover (CIC) comparison tool that creates in-depth analysis to enable advisers to understand and assess the best choice for their clients and arms them with the tools to convey the rationale to t...