Updated Articles

  1. Risk Illustrations - Pathway Selection

    This article is a continuation of - Illustrations - Investment Details In the Pathway Selection screen, you can either Select an Investment Pathway Fund or Portfolio or Use the Clients Default Attitude to Risk. If you would like to use the...
  2. Risk Illustrations - Investment Details

    This article is a continuation of - Illustrations - Creating an Illustration Once the Illustration has been created, you can start to complete details of the scenario. Start by selecting the Target Risk Category: Complete the Investment d...
  3. Risk Illustrations - Creating an Illustration

    To create an illustration for a client, load up the client’s contact record: Click ‘New’ to create a new illustration: Click back into the illustration by clicking on the Illustration name: For information on completing the Ill...
  4. Risk Illustrations - Navigation

    As you work through the illustration, you will see a breadcrumb trail at the top of the screen: As you go through the steps, this will add a tick to the area in the breadcrumb trail. You can select any of the previous steps to go back to that s...
  5. How do I log into Pathways?

    Go to Synaptic | Powerful Software for Advisers Log into Synaptic Pathways through the Login link on the right of the screen: This will take you to the Salesforce login screen: ...
  6. Fund Validation on a Product

    When adding a fund to a Holding in Synaptic Pathways, the system will validate the fund. You will receive a message in red below the fund if it is not supported on the product. Navigate to the Underlying Assets tab and click New Complete d...
  7. Generic Funds - Deleting a Fund

    This article is a continuation of Generic Funds - Editing a Fund Delete a Generic Fund either from the underlying assets screen or within a fund. Underlying Assets Area Click into the drop down arrow to the right of the fund: Delete ...
  8. Generic Funds - Editing a Fund

    This article is a continuation of Generic Funds - Asset Class Edit details of a generic fund through the Holdings> Underlying Assets area: Either click into the Fund or use the drop down arrow to the right of the fund. Editing a fund withi...
  9. Generic Funds - Asset Class

    This article is a continuation of Generic Funds - Creating a Fund Once the fund has been created, you will need to navigate back into the fund to set the Asset Classes: Click into the fund: Click into the Asset Class  tab: Modify Al...
  10. Generic Funds - Creating a Fund

    Generic funds can be created under all holding types, including generic holdings. This allows you to create a fund that is not available on the FE fundinfo database and can be used in research you create in Synaptic Pathways. Navigate to the holdi...