As well as (or instead of) filtering the grid of contracts, you can also manually select which contracts to include. This is particularly useful for comparing a specific set of contracts rather than the whole of market – e.g. product provider compet...
The stochastic projection graphs use a fund’s historic returns to estimate the probability of future returns. Synaptic Research runs 10,000 Monte Carlo projections per fund and then shows every fifth percentile return between the 5 th and 95 th...
A list of all current special offers is available from the Resource Centre. (If your firm has paid for access to the special offer data, but not the Resource Centre, then the link to the special offers page is instead displayed on the men...
By default, the grid of contracts is sorted by company name and then by contract name. The field on which the grid is currently sorted is highlighted in a darker blue. You can sort the grid on a different column simply by clicking on the column...
The graph of returns each month simply shows the fund's percentage gain/loss each month as a series of columns. The spikiness of the graph is obviously one indicator of volatility. You can choose to include the sector average or a stock...
Synaptic has over fifteen years of experience of providing tools to financial advisers which enable them to research new business quickly and efficiently, and to document their recommendations. Synaptic Research continues to model “best practice” r...
You can record notes about your research to remind you of key points, or to act as a to-do list. The note entry form is displayed as an extra tab above the list of fields, and is illustrated by the first screenshot below. You simply ente...
The full fund research functionality is only available if your firm subscribes to both the product and fund research modules of Synaptic Research. The following table shows which elements of the fund functionality are included in which modules: ...
Synaptic Research can be used to generate anything from single-page summaries of research to full multi-page suitability reports which cover all regulatory requirements such as affordability, reviews, and attitude to risk. If your firm has pur...
You can remove all the filters you have put in place, in one go, by clicking on the Clear all filters button at the bottom of the list of fields. This simply removes the filtering and refreshes the screen. However, it does not remove any filteri...