The Sectors tab shows all the sectors in which any of the contracts offers a linked fund. The software offers a choice of two sectors definitions, FE or IMA/ABI/AIC. The latter provides the well-known but less detailed sector definitions. FE Glo...
When you have added a data column to the grid you can then filter the grid by clicking on values in the column. For example, in the first screenshot, clicking on the highlighted “Yes” value (or any of the other Yes values below it) would add filteri...
Once you have researched a list of contracts they can be ranked into a league table. You simply click on the Ranking tool in the menu bar at the top of the filtering screen, as illustrated by the screenshot below. (N.B. Ranking is...
Synaptic Research can be used for any number of generic research purposes, as well as for providing advice to clients: Build spreadsheet-style grids of data which can be filtered and sorted near-instantly regardless of their size. Compare specifi...
A full contract factsheet, as described above, includes a section showing all the linked funds available on the contract. However, this information can also be obtained in a more concise form on a separate screen – i.e. a screen which only shows th...
There are three ways in which portfolios can be used for graphing: Graphing the performance of the portfolio as a whole You can graph the performance of the portfolio as a whole in two ways: Click on the Portfolio link to view the portfolio se...
You can generate a factsheet for a single fund by clicking on its name in the grid. You can create a graph for the fund by right-clicking over the name and choosing Graph from the pop-up menu (or by opening the fund factsheet, and then choosing th...
If a fund has an ethical policy, its factsheet will include a green marker at the bottom of the first section which gives the basic details of the fund. This is illustrated and highlighted in the first screenshot. Clicking on the link in this bo...
You can re-use the filtering you’ve already created in a piece of existing research by importing it into the research you’re currently carrying out. You can also import shared research which has been created by your compliance officer. You do th...
The ranking scores for each item are calculated by taking the values for the item (e.g. surrender values), placing them in order, and then allocating scores to each contract based on their position in the ranked list. If there are 10 contracts, the...