The alpha vs. beta graph shows a plot of a fund’s alpha (on the X axis) versus its beta (on the Y axis). The graph is most useful when comparing multiple funds rather than a single fund, as in the example illustrated by the screenshot below: Hig...
As well as – or instead of – filtering on sectors, you can also eliminate contracts which do not offer specific linked funds. The functionality for doing this is at the bottom of the sectors list. In the first screenshot, contracts are being eli...
The Policy Conditions tab shows conditions such as minimum initial ages, minimum investments, various types of charging etc. The list of policy conditions can include two types of field: numeric fields, which can be filtered; and textual fields, ...
The Past Performance ( PP ) tab shows the same list of sectors as the Sectors tab. NOTE – the sector classification shown on the PP tab will follow the sector classification choice made on the Sectors tab. If no sector classification choic...
The Features tab shows Synaptic’s analysis of all the features offered by any of the contracts being researched. You mark a feature as being essential for the client’s requirements simply by ticking the box next to the feature’s name. The grid...
The data grid provides quick access to factsheets about companies and individual contracts: Click on a company name in the grid for a company factsheet. Click on a contract name for a contract factsheet. In addition, you can right-click on the ...
It may be useful to note the following minor differences between product and fund research – facilities which work differently, or which are not available on fund research: A grid of fund research cannot be flipped. It can only be displayed in its...
Synaptic Research uses mutual fund and index data supplied by FE Fundinfo. FE Fundinfo is a data company which specialises in the collection, validation, dissemination and analysis of fund information. It supplies more than half of all UK fund man...
The cumulative graph shows the performance of a £1,000 lump sum investment over the chosen time period. (If you want to graph a value other than £1,000, use the portfolio value graph instead.) You can change the time period, and choose to includ...
Synaptic Research can be integrated with any other software– back-office client management systems, extranets, quote portals, etc. The integration is two-way: client and other data can be passed in to pre-populate Synaptic Research, and all reports...