Updated Articles

  1. Password Reset

    If you would like to reset your Synaptic Webline password, you will need to do the following: Complete your Webline number and Username & click 'Send' This will send a password request through to your email address. Click the link 'Reset...
  2.  Email Verification & Password Reset

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Please note: Our Support Team number has updated to 0808 164 5463 Option 1 ...
  3. Add a new user in Webline

    To add a new user to your Webline account, you must be setup as a Vendor Administrator. Start by logging into Webline. Click into 'Users' in the main menu, then 'Add New User'. Complete the details of the new user, a password and select a logo...
  4. How do I create more user accounts on Webline?

    How do I create a user account on Webline
  5. View Your Details

    Select Users > View Your Details: This displays a summary of your user details: ...
  6. Change Password

    A simple form allows you to enter your old password (for security reasons) and then the new password twice (to ensure it has been entered correctly), before selecting the ‘ Change ’ button. NB: If you are using the Synaptic Suite or Synaptic...
  7. Edit Your Account

    There are six links within Edit Your Account , as shown below. Once you have entered any changes, click ‘Update’ at the bottom of the page and you will see a confirmation note. Click your browser’s ‘back’ button and then navigate through the men...
  8. Product and Provider Panels

    All relevant products are available on your account when you first register, unless disabled by the provider. Select Provider Panel and the particular product category which will bring up a list of providers and their individual products. I...
  9. User Options - Vendor Administrator Access

    Select Users from the top menu bar: ...
  10. Edit Your Details

    Select Users > Edit Your Details: ...