Updated Articles

  1. View Pathways Protection pricing in CIExpert

    Within CIExpert , you will see a screen with a list of your assessments.   Select the assessment you wish to work on  You will see the Client details imported from Synaptic Pathways Protection Comple...
  2. Applying direct from CIExpert

    You will be able to view the status of your assessment within CIExpert.  When ready to complete the application form, click Apply Now   Click Apply Now to be redirected to straight to the provider website to comp...
  3. Creating a special deal for Morningstar

    In Synaptic Pathways, you are able to create special deals for Providers. Provider charging structures can vary and may need to be setup differently to ensure the deal pulls through correctly. For the Morningstar Platform, the standard drawdown cha...
  4. Creating a special deal for Fidelity

    In Synaptic Pathways, you are able to create special deals for Providers. Provider charging structures can vary and may need to be setup differently to ensure the deal pulls through correctly. For the Fidelity Platform, you will need to apply your ...
  5. How do I create new users and edit accounts?

    Your ability to create new user accounts depends on the type of licence you have bought for Synaptic Research. If you have only paid for the basic edition of the software then you may not be able to create new accounts. The top section of the main ...
  6.  Ex-ante Research

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. ...
  7. Setup access from intelliflo store

    Pathways intelliflo office integration Using the Synaptic Pathways app you are able to bring across information from your clients and holdings from intelliflo to Synaptic Pathways. This allows you to link seamlessly to Synaptic Pathways to carr...
  8. Importing client details

    Importing client details Using the app you can import client details from intelliflo to your Synaptic Pathways account. If you are an existing Synaptic Pathways user, log into your account.  New users to Synaptic Pathways will be directed t...
  9. Importing holdings

    Importing holdings Using the app you can import client holdings from intelliflo to your Synaptic Pathways account. If you are an existing Synaptic Pathways user, log into your account.  New users to Synaptic Pathways will be directed to ...
  10. Saving reports to intelliflo office

    Saving reports to intelliflo office Once you have completed your research in Synaptic Pathways, you will have the option to save the report back to your intelliflo office client record. For example when you complete an Attitude to Risk Q...