Updated Articles

  1. Apply Basket - Send to my Email

    You can send details of products in your Apply basket to your email address. This allows you to quickly link through to the Synaptic Webline Apply basket, or apply for each product directly from the email without logging in. Click 'Send to my Email...
  2. News Section

    In the News section you are able to view notifications, such as provider downtime and product releases. It is found within the top right of the screen. The red dot indicates there are news items available: *All information is based on tes...
  3.  Synaptic Webline Protection - Apply Basket

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Send your Synaptic Webline Apply basket to your email. Quick link through to the Apply basket or apply directly from the email. ...
  4. Apply Basket - Send to my System

    ‘Send to my system’ can be found within the Apply Basket. If you would like further information on how to set this up, contact our Application Support Team on 0808 164 5463 option 1. ...
  5.  Synaptic Webline Protection - Partially Underwritten Quotes

    Your browser does not support HTML5 video. This video will take you through Partially Underwritten Quotes within Synaptic Webline. ...
  6. Client Details Standalone Products - Requesting Quotes

    Complete the client details. The name field will do an automatic search as you start typing the name, and any matches for existing clients, you have previously entered that are found, will be displayed in a drop-down list under the name field. Note ...
  7. Requesting Quotes - Product Details

    A separate screen is available for each type of product selected. If you have requested more than one quote for a product they will be numbered on the left hand side of the screen. The cross next to each of the products, gives the ability to rem...
  8. Requesting Quotes - Whole of Life

    Complete the products details and features of the Whole of Life policy. Quick Commission can be applied by clicking the 'Quick Commission' button Once completed, click the 'Next' button: NB: Please note that Convertible Term Assurance, Whole ...
  9. Requesting Quotes - Decreasing Term Assurance

    In this screen, a Decreasing Term quote has been selected, which will be denoted by the grey highlight on the left side.  For this quote a mortgage interest rate must be entered – note that this figure must be a whole number (decimals are not al...
  10. Multi Benefit Products

    The Multi benefit quotation steps follow the same journey as the Standalone Products with few changes to the navigation.  Start the Multi Benefit quote after filling in the client details by selecting the Multi Benefit Products tab. Select th...