Fund factsheets show four types of information about a fund: Basic details such as management group, sector, and fund size. Past performance, including derived functions of past performance such as quartile rankings, alpha FE Crown ratings. Ass...
Sometimes, although very rarely, something can go wrong. If you get an error which you do not know what has caused it after checking yourprovider panel, agency codes or commission settings, gather as much details as you possibly can (including scree...
Synaptic does not just copy “brochure” text out of a contract’s Key Features document. All data is analysed, and expressed quantitatively where possible – e.g. three detailed, filterable fields rather than a single field containing brochure text. ...
The quartile ranking graph shows a plot of a fund’s quartile rankings within each discrete 12-month period. In the first example screenshot below, the fund has been a top-quartile performer in 7 out of the 10 periods. A similar plot...
The policy conditions tab shows conditions such as minimum initial ages, minimum investments, various types of charging etc. The list of policy conditions can include two types of fields - numeric fields which can be filtered and textual fields whi...
As described above, a manual fund list is simply an ad hoc list of funds chosen by you, rather than a list of funds which have something in common – such as unit trusts in the same sector, funds linked to a specific contract etc. You add funds to a...
Here are some tips when filtering contracts and where relevant, funds: You can see everything you are currently filtering on and why specific contracts/funds are being excluded by using the Audit Trail If you make a recommendation to a client whi...
How to check that providers and products are enabled in your panel
The asset allocation graph shows a pie chart of a fund’s industry/sector holdings. It can be used either to illustrate the holdings of a single fund or to compare the holdings of multiple funds. In the example screenshot below a typical UK growth fu...
If, when doing research for a particular product, you always choose the same basic criteria then you could save yourself time and set these up as Preset Criteria . Presets can be set up on a Personal basis (just for you to use) or a Company basis ...