Product and Fund - Getting Started


Synaptic Suite Product User Guide
Synaptic Suite Product User Guide.pdf
Synaptic Suite Fund Guide
Synaptic Suite Fund User Guide.pdf
Researching Shariah funds
For ethical funds, there is an ethical filter available when conducting research.  This indicates that our fund data supplier has flagged this fund as ethical. Please also see Do you have Ethical funds on the system? We don't have a specific fe...
Top Tip - Ethical Fact Find
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Tailor your client’s specific needs using the Ethical Fact Find within Synaptic Product & Fund Research. Select funds according to what they want to support or avoid. ...
How to log into Products on our website
To log into the Synaptic Suite you will need to do the following: Navigate to Scroll down to the login icons, click on 'Synaptic', as seen below: This will open the Synaptic Suite logon page: Enter your deta...
 How to conduct research - ISA scenario
This article provides you with an overview of the research process in Synaptic Research by using an ISA scenario. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. ...
 Fund Factsheets
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 Funds from a specific promoter and specific contract
This video provides a walkthrough of how to conduct research using a specific fund promoter or by selecting funds linked to a specific contract. All information contained within this video is fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or d...
 Quick Find Box - Contract Tab
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 Quick Find Box - Company Tab
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 Quick Find Box - Fund Tab
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Quick Find Box - Client Tab
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How do I update my Product & Fund research password in the Synaptic Suite?
To access Synaptic Product & Fund Research through the Synaptic Suite, you will need to add your username and password with the Product & Fund tab . Navigate to . To logon onto the Synaptic Suite, click on the icon below:...
How do I navigate the software?
Synaptic Research behaves like a normal web site – you can use your browsers Back , Forwards , and Refresh buttons in the usual way. All pages have the same general layout: There is an icon in the top left corner (indica...
How do I start a piece of research?
You start a new piece of research by choosing a product type on the software’s Home page. This displays the client-entry screen illustrated by the first screenshot. You can then choose between two types of research:  ·            ...
Overview of the research process
As described in the overview, Synaptic’s core research process is as follows: Choose the type of product to research. Enter client details , and any benefits/contributions which are applicable to the type of product. View information about t...
Choosing a product type
The software’s home page provides access to a number of areas of the system: The Home  tab, containing news about products, companies and information on Synaptic products and training, plus the range of product areas (as many as seven), plus the Fi...
Entering client details
You can view a factsheet for an individual contract simply by clicking on its name in the grid (clicking on the company name displays a factsheet for the provider). The contract factsheet is illustrated by the first screenshot, and can be saved in P...
What is the layout of the filtering screen?
The filtering screen provides access to a wide variety of functionality. The key parts of the screen are illustrated by the numbers in the screenshot below, and are described below.  1. The menu bar   Like all other pages in the...
Grid of contracts
This screen is the heart of Synaptic Research. On the right-hand side it starts by showing all the contracts for the type of product being researched. On the left it shows all the fields of data which Synaptic collects about those contracts, divided...
Adding columns to the grid of contracts
You can add a field to the grid of contracts simply by clicking on its name in the tabbed box on the left-hand side of the screen. The first screenshot shows a (filtered) grid of contracts containing three different types of field. You can remov...
Filtering the grid of contracts
The left-hand side of the grid screen shows all the fields of data which are recorded about the contracts, divided up into tabbed groups.(The fields and tabs which are available depend on the type of contract.) Features tab The first,  Featur...
Ranking contracts
The filtering process above describes how to research a product type, and eliminate any contracts which do not meet a client’s requirements. At the end of that stage the whole-of-market is reduced to those contracts which are capable of fulfilling t...
Generating a suitability report
Once you have created a ranking system which matches the client’s requirements, click on the Report  tool above the ranking results, below the page’s title. This displays the screen illustrated by the first screenshot. The first step is to pick...
How do I search for fund factsheets?
This article explains how fact sheets can be produced from Synaptic Research for  Contracts, Companies and Funds. Within Synaptic Research there is the ability to produce fact sheets for current  Contracts, for Companies  who are present on th...
Re-opening old research
All research which you carry out in Synaptic Research is automatically stored. You don’t have to click on any sort of save button to store your work. (And, if you lose your connection to the internet halfway through your research, you won’t lose a...
Manually selecting the contracts to research
The section above describes how the grid of contracts can be filtered to remove contracts which don’t meet particular conditions. However, it’s also possible to select manually the contracts which you want to research – either instead of, or as wel...
Basic hints and tips
Six simple tips to help you navigate around Synaptic Research: The icon in the top left corner of each page always acts as a link back to the software’s home page (illustrated by 1 in the screenshot to the right). The most commonly-used action...
Application Tabs
There are 7 tabs at the top of the screen that you can choose from: Clients - where you can add or retrieve client details. Risk rating -  Risk rated funds and portfolios Modeller  - an investment planning and risk profiling tool. Comparato...