Updated Articles

  1. How do you use the field chooser?

    The section above describes how to add fields to the grid one-by-one. However, if you want to add lots of fields at once it is much more convenient to use the  Field chooser – click on the Options link in the top right of the grid, and...
  2. How do I obtain protection quotes through Synaptic?

    When performing research into some products (mostly price-led contracts such as term assurance, CIC etc.), Synaptic provides the valuable option of retrieving live quotations so that you can perform research using features AND pricing at the sam...
  3. How does Synaptic deal with contract data?

    Synaptic does not just copy “brochure” text out of a contract’s Key Features document. All data is analysed, and expressed quantitatively where possible – e.g. three detailed, filterable fields rather than a single field containing brochure text. ...
  4. Does Synaptic save clients and research?

    All clients and pieces of research are automatically stored in Synaptic Research – there are no Save buttons which need to be clicked (and research has to be explicitly deleted if you no longer want it). Synaptic guarantees to store old resear...
  5. Where do I find products and how do I start new research?

    The first screenshot shows the list of product types on the software’s home page, divided up into tabbed groups such as Health, Life and Investments. See the section on Synaptic’s data for more information about how this list of product type...
  6. Who supplies the past performance data and how often is it updated?

    The fund past performance data in Synaptic Research is supplied by FE, as described above. Synaptic are responsible for calculating some derived functions of the past performance such as alpha and beta.  All fund data is as-at the most recent mo...
  7. What are the different types of fund research?

    Synaptic Research provides four types of fund research:  Research into unit trusts, life funds, pension funds, and offshore funds and investment trusts. Research into all the funds offered by a single promoter (such as Fidelity or Merrill Lynch)....
  8. Are there any tips when filtering?

    You can see everything you’re currently filtering on – and why specific contracts are being excluded – using the audit trail. If you make a recommendation to a client which they turn down – e.g. that they need waiver of premium – you can redu...
  9. Are there any tips when using fund research?

    Synaptic Research obviously responds faster if there are fewer funds which it needs to display in the grid. Therefore, wherever possible, it’s best to set up filtering, using the Features and Stats tabs, before you add funds to the g...
  10. What is the Resource Centre?

    The Resource Centre is a selection of useful documents, tools, and links to web sites. Its contents are constantly updated in line with industry events, but examples include:  Critical illness definitions. Ethical investment informatio...